040 – 2393 680-0

Personal advice:

Mon - Fri: 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m
Sat: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m

Or via our contact form.

We look forward to seeing you!


MS Hamburg – For the love of the environment

The ship management of our HAMBURG is exemplary in terms of environmental policy. For years, legal requirements have been “over-fulfilled” in order to protect our environment in the best possible way.

MS HAMBURG der umwelt zu liebe Seite, , Logo, Button, Plantours, Februar-März 2024, Agenturbild

Since 01.01.2020, we have voluntarily dispensed with the use of heavy fuel oil in all sailing areas. Since then, only low-sulphur marine gas oil has been used. By using low-sulphur marine gasoil with a sulphur content of 0.1 percent worldwide, we fall below the specified limits for the sulphur content and thus drastically reduce emissions.

Routes and timetables
Our carefully prepared routes and schedules are calculated at an average speed below the maximum possible speed, which enables an economical driving style taking into account the prevailing weather conditions in the region. This saves more than 1/3 of the fuel.

Painting the outer skin of the hull
In order to keep fuel consumption as low as possible, it is important to prevent fouling of the hull without harming the environment. This is achieved by using a TBT- and biocide-free coating on the hull.

Waste treatment and prevention
In accordance with international regulations, our waste management plan provides for the conscientious separation of waste, which is recycled by specialist companies in suitable ports or disposed of if necessary. Packaging material is not used in accordance with hygiene regulations. Where possible, we use paper and cardboard-like materials that can be reused after appropriate processing.

Water management
The HAMBURG has an effective osmosis system that can be used to treat salt water for consumption on board. Waste water is disposed of properly in port.

Biodegradable products
All cleaning and care products used on board are biodegradable. Inorganic products have not been used for years due to their harmful effects on health and the environment.

Antarctic cruises with MS Hamburg

PLANTOURS Kreuzfahrten ist Vollmitglied der IAATO, Antarktis, MS HAMBURG , Umwelt

Plantours Cruises is a full member of IAATO

The overarching goal of our Antarctic cruises is the preservation of the Antarctic natural paradise. The IAATO (International Association of Antarctica Tour Operator), a voluntary international association of tour operators operating in Antarctica, takes care of the control and compliance with all environmental regulations.